Asus Eee Pad Transformer 2 with Tegra 3

Asus Eee Pad Transformer 2 with Tegra 3
We mentioned a week or so back that a version of the Eee Pad Transformer is expected to land in 2012 that runs Windows for the operating system instead of Android like the current Transformer does. The tablet was rumored to land along side another Android version of the Transformer. Another Eee Pad Transformer rumor is circulating that originated with “sources” in Taiwan in the supplier chain. Apparently, another version of the Transformer is expected to land this year.$279 cost

The new version is said to run the NVIDIA Tegra 3 chipset and Android Ice Cream Sandwich. The sources claim that with big orders for Tegra parts that Asus will become the largest customer of NVIDIA passing up Acer. Acer is having issues moving its tablets in the numbers it expected and has been cutting expectations for its offerings. The sources claim that the Transformer 2 will land in October or November.

The sources also claim that Asus has a PadFone with Tegra and Ice Cream Sandwich coming as well. I think the PadFone is doomed honestly, it doesn’t seem that interesting to me. Asus will be tossing more tablets onto the market in the coming months with the Slider packing its keyboard underneath the screen comes in July and the MeMo Pad expected late this year. Interestingly, the sources also claim the Transformer won’t make money for Asus and will be sold at break even. The hope is apparently to make money off the cool notebook dock.